Milla is greatly enjoying her new playmat ... she always smiles at the little animals flying over her head. And she really likes Chris, her teddybear (thanks again Christian!) ...
Against all rumors neither Morad nor I were really running it .... but we had great fun watching the marathon again like last year! Here are a few pics from the event! ... and by the way, it is getting really chilly here :-(
She clearly is too young for "tricks or treats" ... but we took her to the parade and she peacefully slept through it carried around by Morad. We did not quite make it to get some costumes, only Milla had the appropriate gear ... Thanks Nico for the great socks!
Mid October Lee and Sue were visiting us and we spent a great weekend together! A little bit of streetshopping in Soho, dining and wining ... Thank you for visiting us!