Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bella and Milla ....

Last weekend, Bella, Ingrid, Wanda, Heidi and Jim came to visit us for the day! It was a fun day despite the rainy weather! Milla and Bella had a lot of fun together and Bella was a proud little baby mum for Milla! Too cute!

Santa Claus is coming into town ...

... and brought a trike for Milla! Santa indeed came to visit our house (thank you Santa!) and Milla was really scared by his appearance and was clinging closely to Mama and Papa! Pascale, do you recognize her dress? She also really likes the Papa Noel book :-)

Milla's first snow!!!

Right in time for Christmas it started snowing heavily in New York! Over night, we had 10 inches of snow! Milla was surprised but happy to start this new experience ... unfortunately it did not last very long! Hopefully we will have more snow this Winter!

Christmas time in NYC!

Isn't it pretty! Below some snapshots of New York preparing itself for Christmas!

Playground on some sunny November days!

Milla has more and more fun on the playground! Enjoy!!!

St Martin and Pumpkin carving!

A little mix of cultures: we joined the "German house" for Laternenumzug zum St. Martinstag which was a lot of fun. Just that lanterns are not easy to find here, so that we ended up handpainting a chinese lantern. And we also carved our first pumpkins this year ... Milla was very impressed with those creatures ...

Halloween!!! Milla Minibee!

We had a great time on Halloween Trick or Treating! Milla was sooo cute in her bee costume! And this is the day she discovered that chocolate is VERY TASTY!!!

Back in New York!

e finally made it back to New York on Oct 6th!!!! Only 6 weeks after we left :-)
It felt great to be back and we enjoyed some really nice Autumn days.

Late summer in Bistensee!

We were originally planning to spend a few days with my parents in Bistensee at the end of our trip before going to Christina's and Henrik's wedding - and due to visa issue we got the chance to spend nearly a month in Bistensee. My parents greatly enjoyed spending time with the little one, here are a few snapshots of Bistensee and Milla in her wedding outfit! We had a great time, if only there were no work and visa concerns ...

A fabulous week-end with friends in Cipieres

We had a fantastic weekend with Pacale, JC and Jade, Philippe et Nathalie et Julien et Emma.
We spent time at the pool and on the terrasse in Cipieres, great barbecue and party in th evening, strolled through St. Paul de Vence and finished by a day in Nice at the beach and at a nice beach restaurant! Jade and Milla were super cute together and it was fantastic to see everybody. Thanks again for visiting us in Southern France and let's do this again soon!